Australian-Indonesian Association President, Firdaus, outlines ten simple reasons why people want to join a community group like AIA.

If you are an Indonesian living in South Australia, the question may be how do I give back to my community? How can I participate in the society and contribute in a positive way? What matters to me? What can I gain back from it? Is $20 a year worth the gain I will get from joining the AIA?

If you are Australian with an interest of Indonesian, connection personal or otherwise, business and social exposure, the questions may be how could I promote to my fellow citizen a better understanding of Indonesia and Indonesian culture as our neighbor? How do I meet Indonesians in a social context in Australia? How do enhance my language skills and my nuanced cultural understanding? How do I help bridging and narrowing the gap of the two communities, the Indonesian in SA and the mainstream Australians? Be an ambassador for your country and for Indonesia.


1. It builds up a sense of community
It’s good for your community- the more people work together and get to be familiar with the way things work, more people support each other, especially through tough times.

2. You can follow your interests and share your passion
It may be in Arts, Music, Recreation and Sports, Education, or humanitarian interests you can share your passion in the AIA

3. You can build your CV
If you are applying for university or a new job or even a new relationship, it helps to be able to demonstrate the unselfish efforts you are putting in for the community

4. You can make a contribution
We all want to make a better place for the world, even if it’s only by making sure our team has its turn at taking the flag. Promote your culture, promote better understanding from people to people.

5. It’s good for your country
We need a strong civil society, where we share a common goal. The more Australians know about Indonesia and Indonesians the better our standing is in the community, businesses, and government authorities. You are the people ambassador for Indonesia or vise versa.

6. You learn new skills
Governance skills, committee management, negotiations, minute taking, business planning if and from joining a committee

7. You can make new contacts
Keeping your network in good repair helps you to see opportunities when they come up and gives you people to call when you want help.

8. Meet new friends
Get to know people and work together with the things you all care about

9. It can be good for your health
Having a good social network extends your life and keeps you healthy. You can join the various activities and events that AIASA provides you.

10. Among 2018 AIASA events you can be/could have been part of include: 
Bushwalking, Contemporary Music Night; Wayang Kulit performance, theatre workshops; Cancer Walk; Picnic; Parliament Tour, Cooking Demo and Appreciation at Foodland; Cultural Performance at schools

Membership is only $20 per year for individuals ($18 for concession) and $30 for a family. So sign up now!

AIASA President Firdaus
September 2019