AIA-SA logoThe Australian-Indonesian Association of SA

The Australian-Indonesian Association of South Australia Incorporated (AIASA Inc.) is a volunteer, non-profit community organisation established in 1967.

Mission Statement:
The AIASA Inc. seeks to foster peace, harmony, engagement and mutual understanding between the peoples of Indonesia and Australia through the promotion of Indonesian culture, heritage and language in South Australia.

Key aims:
The AIASA Inc. aims to lead, promote and implement activities that strengthen community engagement, cultural awareness and celebration of Indonesia’s cultural heritage, peoples and customs within the South Australian context.

2. Social Inclusion and Outreach:
The AIASA Inc. aims to act in the South Australian community as a philanthropic and compassionate organisation. It will provide funding and support for a variety of human needs, recovery and personal development activities associated with social responsibility and inclusion, outreach and education.

3. Improved socio-economic and bilateral relations:
The AIASA Inc. aims to strengthen and activate networks and relationships associated with improved socio-economic and bilateral relations and trade between Indonesia and Australia, particularly as it applies to education, scholarships and the PPIA (Indonesian Students’ Association) in South Australia.

The association is non-political and  non-sectarian. 

Membership information and to join here.

The Australia-Indonesian Association Committee

The AIASA Committee consists of an Executive containing a President, two Vice Presidents at least one of which is held by an Indonesian, a Secretary and a Treasurer. Additional Committee Members are drawn from volunteers within the financial members of the AIASA. The AIASA Committee contains at least ten members inclusive of the Executive.

The Annual General Meeting will be held on 18 November 2018 and we are seeking new Committee members for 2019. Details on how to nominate are here: 

Committee Members 2021:

President: Julie Christina (2021/2022)
Vice President Indonesian: Julia Wanane (2021/2022)
Treasurer: Henry Michael Pattie (2021/2022)
Secretary: Melissa Acton (2022/2023)
Assistant Secretary: vacant (2021/2022)
Committee members:
Banjar Dharma Acintya (2020/2022)
Barry Luqman (2020/2022)
Dr. Dian Andina Munawar (2021/2022)
Joyce Hassan (2020/2022)
Stewart Taylor (2022/2023)

The AIASA Committee contains nine members inclusive of the Executive.

If you would like to join the AIASA Committee you first need to be a financial member of the AIASA. To join, download and complete an application form and send an email through to our President ( and let us know that you would like to help and, if relevant, any particular skills you bring.


The AIASA Committee will occasionally form Sub-Committees to work on specific projects independently. These Sub-Committees are led by a current AIA Committee Member.

Past Committee Office Bearers


Amalia Sosrodirejo (2019/2020)
Firdaus (2017-2018)
Tji Srikandi-Goodhart (2014-2016)
Rini Budiyanti (2011-2013)
Tony Becker (2010)

Vice President (Indonesian)

Julie Christina (2020)
Prllavita Adi Putra (2019)
Priyambudi Sulistiyanto (2017-2018)
Firdaus (2016)
Arief Febrianto (2014-2015)
Astari Kusumawardani (2012)
Murti Cramp (2011)

Vice President (Australian)

Darren Davis (2020)
Amanda Schiller (2019)
Brett Calliss (2017-2018)
Geoff Penhall (2014-2016)
Anthony Cramp (2013)
Garry Tucker (2011-2012)


Anthony Cramp (2020)
Rita Soemarno (2019)
Anthony Cramp (2012-2013,2018)
Abby Witts (2017)
Nathan Butcher (2016)
Chris Majewski (2014-2016)
Alisha Hill (2011)


Olivia Atmadja-Sharp (2019/2020)
Prilavita Adiputra (2017-2018)
Eni Mosel (2016)
Jim McMillan (2015)
Chadijah Ali (2014)
Murti Cramp (2012-2013)
Astari Kusumawardani (2011)