A big “terima kasih” (thank you) to Hon Zoe Bettison MP, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, for hosting a Parliamentary Reception to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Australian-Indonesian Association of South Australia (AIA-SA) on 21 August 2017. Presidents of AIA-SA, past and present (pictured), gathered for this special event and their leadership and inspiration was acknowledged. The Minister thanked AIA-SA’s hundreds of volunteers who continue to contribute to the development of understanding between Australians and Indonesians through their work both now and over the years, especially towards the development of the biggest and most enduring community festival in South Australia, Indofest, which celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2017. Congratulations to everyone who has assisted and supported the Australian-Indonesian Association of South Australia over the past 50 years.
AIA-SA 50th anniversary recognised in Parliamentary Reception