
Indofest 2023 – thank you all for coming!

Indofest 2023 – thank you all for coming!

Thank you everyone for coming out to Indofest 2023! We hope you enjoyed the festivities, had yourself some tasty food and caught some of our wonderful performers. A big thank you to all who were involved, including food vendors, volunteers, performers and our generous...

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Indofest 2023 – Planning Updates

Indofest 2023 – Planning Updates

2023 - Indofest Planning Updates As you know, Indofest 2023 is just right around the corner, and we have been busy behind the scenes planning for this year's event.  From our first introductory BBQ to now, our organising committees have also been busy at work over the...

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Indofest Adelaide 2023 – 21 May, Pinky Flat

Indofest Adelaide 2023 – 21 May, Pinky Flat

Indofest Adelaide 2023 is back for 2023! Come and join us on Sunday 21 May at Pinky Flat, as we celebrate all things Indonesia! Our free event will be jam packed with fun activities for everyone to enjoy, including live performances, great food stalls and a business...

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“Cancer Screening Save Life” AIASA Health Talk.

“Cancer Screening Save Life” AIASA Health Talk.

(Adelaide, SA) To gain the Indonesian community and society's awareness about their health and fitness, especially for women's health, AIASA collaborated with Indopeduli and Wellbeing SA Organisation to conduct their first event related to the circumstances. This...

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Thank you to our Indofest Adelaide 2023 sponsors

Supported by a grant from Multicultural Affairs, Department of the Premier and Cabinet